Covenant Groups Blog

The A.C.T.S Prayer Method

The A.C.T.S Prayer Method

The ACTS prayer is not something we read about in the New Testament Book of Acts. It’s simply an acronym for four elements of prayer to help men focus on God and the types of prayers seen in Scripture. The acronym ACTS stands for adoration, confession, thanksgiving,...

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How To Keep Your Covenant Group on Track

How To Keep Your Covenant Group on Track

Covenant Groups are not designed as recovery groups for men with life-controlling issues. There are other groups for various issues of this sort. If a man needs a support and/or recovery group, we can help by making a referral and encouraging the appropriate level of...

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Lead as an Encourager

Lead as an Encourager

Undoubtedly, one of the main roles of a covenant group leader is that of ‘encourager’. Men need encouragement—and they need it in size XL. Encouragement changes the course and trajectory of men’s lives. Qualities of an Encourager I commend Jim Akers’ short article; 5...

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How BetterMan Can Help Launch a Covenant Group

How BetterMan Can Help Launch a Covenant Group

BetterMan is a proven outreach to the community any church or individual can use to connect Christian and non-Christian men together to explore biblical manhood. For men who have never met in a small group before, BetterMan can be a great ‘onramp’ to a Covenant Group...

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The Role of a Covenant Group Leader

The Role of a Covenant Group Leader

We’re all accustomed to classroom teachers--‘leaders’ who tell us how to think and what to think about. That’s not the role of a covenant group leader. The covenant group leader’s role is not to teach, but instead to share, guide and assist covenant group members as...

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How to Use the Life Journal

How to Use the Life Journal

Life Journals are known for the devotional guide S.O.A.P. which helps you read, understand, and apply what God is saying through His Word, the Bible. The S.O.A.P. Method encourages regular appointments with God (AWG’s) with meaning. Here are the steps to an AWG using...

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4 Apps for Your Quiet Time

4 Apps for Your Quiet Time

Find your rhythm. Draw closer to God. YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day.Be a man in the Word of God every day. He Reads Truth invites men to engage with Scripture...

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