About Covenant Groups

What is a Covenant Group?

Covenant groups are men united in following Jesus—meeting regularly to care and support one another—while pursing spiritual habits together.  Covenant groups are not teacher or curriculum-driven but require facilitators (group leaders) who model faithfulness, care, and encouragement to group members.

group of men with notepads sitting at a table next to a window


The Covenant Group Project mission is to encourage men in the pursuit of godly friendships and equips them to know Christ deeply, reflect Him authentically, and share Him intentionally.

About the Covenant Group Discipleship Series

Each journal in the Covenant Group Project Discipleship Series has two components: life skills (spiritual habits) and foundational scriptures.

Each unit of the Covenant Group Series helps men develop core life skills (disciplines) to walk with God for a lifetime. Each skill is a spiritual habit used by believers over the ages and across cultures for the purpose of developing spiritual maturity. In addition to spiritual growth habits, each journal guides us to key scriptures carefully selected as foundations for building a solid spiritual life.

Our Goal—Mature Men

Our goal as godly men is to know Christ deeply, reflect Him authentically, and share Him intentionally. Physical maturation involves stages: infancy, childhood, adulthood, parenthood, and even grandparenting. Similarly, spiritual maturity unfolds in stages: new believers transition into growing disciples, growing disciples become mature disciples, and mature disciples become reproducing disciples. 

Today, few men experience this spiritual growth trajectory. Some mature, while others never fully arrive. Two essentials for spiritual growth are personal devotional habits and “covenant friendships” that provide support, encouragement, and prayer.  Men who establish these two habits are equipped to grow in spiritual maturity and follow God for a lifetime.

Mentor and teen talking in sunny cafe

What ministry leaders are saying…

Experienced disciple-makers know spiritual growth is best nurtured in the context of secure relationships—both with our King, Jesus, and with other men. Just as Jonathan and David made a covenant to affirm their friendship and commitment to one another (1 Samuel 18), we need covenant friendships to grow spiritually.

The Covenant Group Discipleship Series is a set of time-tested tools designed for men seeking spiritual maturity within a small, goal-focused group. Unlike traditional Bible studies, the series incorporates scripture readings and practical exercises to help men develop essential life skills and learn to nourish themselves through God’s Word.

The core practice in both the Adventure and Challenge Series is the daily Appointment with God (AWG). Weekly covenant group meetings foster deep connections among men, offering a space for personal insights, application of Scripture, and mutual support through encouragement and prayer.

John Werst
Pastor, Author, Director of the Covenant Group Project