These journals are discipleship mentoring tools designed to help men develop personal devotional habits in the context of a highly relational small group experience as set forth in the introductory section of each journal.

Get the most out of your Covenant Group experience

There are two training sets, the Adventure Series, followed by the Challenge Series that comprise the Covenant Group Discipleship Series. Following the recommended order of use maximizes the training benefits. Each journal takes about 12 weeks to complete.

A description of content focus & life skill training is provided with each journal.

We have found a trimester framework to be effective, as it allows for a break in the summer. If the Adventure Series is launched in September, all three units can be completed before summer break. If begun in January, three units can be completed by year end with a summer break. The same applies for the Challenge Series.

There are two bonus journals that can be used as supplemental to either series. The “His Glory” journal is often used as an introductory journal prior to beginning the Adventure Series.

Each journal is built around three major pursuits of a disciple:


    Knowing Christ Deeply


    Reflecting Christ Authentically


    Sharing Christ Intentionally

    ADVENTURE SERIES (in order)

    1. HIS WORKS
    2. HIS IMAGE
    3. HIS HEART


    Explore five essential truths about God’s work on our behalf (God is my…) and five corresponding truths about our new identity in Christ (In Christ, I am…) Weekly devotional assignments pair the majestic truths of God’s work for us with the outcomes in our lives. The life skill emphasis in this unit: the Appointment with God (AWG).


    In this unit, we focus on the deep issues of spiritual transformation. We explore six critical qualities of our new nature as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to lay aside the old nature and pursue attributes of godliness. Life skill emphasis in this journal: deepening our Appointment with God (AWG) habit, learning how to memorize bible verses, and learning how to meditate on Scriptures through weekly planned meditation exercises.


    Focusing on the trinitarian aspects of God’s work of salvation, we explore the Father’s passion for those estranged from him, look at the Holy’s Spirit role in leading us to into prayer and relational engagement, and what Jesus accomplished through his death and resurrection.

    Life skill emphasis in this journal: consistency in our Appointment with God (AWG), learning how to create and use a “Who is on your heart for heaven?” list, and how to share a basic Gospel presentation using the simple, yet powerful 4-verse “Bridge Illustration.”

    CHALLENGE SERIES (in order)

    1. HIS WAYS


    The focus is on ten specific “ways” of God. These “ways” are taught and demonstrated repeatedly throughout Scripture. As we explore them, we will find instructions for living and a deeper understanding of the One who is The Way. Life skill emphasis in this journal: the Appointment with God (AWG) habit, which is the foundational skill emphasis in every unit of the Series.


    This unit centers around the words of Christ in the Gospel concerning his call to discipleship. We focus on passages where Jesus identified the marks of his disciples: whole life transformation, sacrificial allegiance, faithful obedience, servant love, and spiritual fruitfulness. Life skill emphasis in this journal: deepening our Appointment with God (AWG) habit, learning how to memorize bible verses, and learning how to meditate on Scripture thru weekly planned meditation exercises with preselected passages this unit’s theme.


    This journal focuses on the grand mission to make disciples. We look at the teaching and modeling of Jesus as he trained his first disciples. We will learn basic skills to disciple others, including keys to relational depth, how to share the word, and keys to disciple-making. Life skill emphasis in this journal: The Appointment with God (AWG) and relational skills in disciple-making.


    1. HIS GLORY


    This is often used as an introductory journal prior to beginning the Adventure Series. The “His Glory” journal is also used as a supplemental unit to either the Adventure or Challenge Series. The life skill emphasis in this unit: the Appointment with God (AWG).


    This journal is not recommended as introductory but is best used as a supplemental journal with either the Adventure Series or the Challenge Series. Life skill emphasis in this journal: developing consistency in the newly acquired Appointment with God (AWG) habit. We add the skill of memorizing 6 bible verses and practice deepening our scripture reflection through a weekly planned meditation exercise.