Calling Men to Walk with God & One Another

Ministry to men is not a walk in the park. We must go deeper than news, weather, and sports. It requires intentionally sharing our lives with other men & developing spiritual habits that protect, support, and shape our lives.

Explore The Adventure Series


Discover five truths about God’s work for us (“God is my…”) and our identity in Christ (“In Christ, I am…”), with weekly devotionals and a focus on the Appointment with God (AWG) life skill.


This unit explores six key qualities of spiritual transformation, focusing on embracing our new nature and deepening our Appointment with God (AWG) habit through Bible memorization and meditation.


This unit explores the Trinity’s role in salvation—the Father’s passion, the Spirit’s guidance, and Jesus’ work—while building consistency in our Appointment with God (AWG) and learning to share the Gospel through the 4-verse Bridge Illustration.

What ministry leaders are saying…

What participants say…

“I was a little standoffish at first…”

“I’ve made a commitment to read God’s word daily.”

“It’s easy to be an inch deep and mile wide…”