The Covenant Group Agreement
It is important group members embrace the core values that constitute an authentic fellowship environment. These core values include affirmation, availability, prayer, openness & honesty, sensitivity, confidentiality, and voluntary accountability.
Read aloud the Covenant Group agreement that follows. Ask each man to sign his covenant group agreement as a statement of prayerful intention.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.” (Psalm 133:1)
Having placed my faith in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:27-28), I recognize I am now called to love God with a whole heart, abide in his Word and encourage other men in their journey of faith. I recognize my need for the Holy Spirit to empower me to live in covenant with God and in covenant friendships with my brothers in Christ.
I commit to hold my brothers in Christ in high regard and to respect my covenant brothers as image bearers of God. Even if I disagree or disapprove of your opinions or actions, I am committed to love & seek your best interest, modeling my attitude and actions after Christ.
I commit to making time in my schedule for the covenant group and for individual needs that may arise within our group. I commit to make my life available to listen and learn from others, complete my devotional reading and reflection plan, and be ready to share what I’ve gleaned with the group.
I commit to pray for my covenant brothers, both in the covenant group settings and at other times, when the need arises or as the Spirit leads.
I commit to being open with others about my needs, struggles and concerns…as well as the joys and blessings of life. Because I believe every man needs support and encouragement in their life, I will seek to be a blessing when others open their lives to me. I will seek to “speak the truth in love,” providing corrective guidance with a spirit of gentleness and humility.
I commit to being sensitive to your needs and to the needs of the group. I will seek to contribute to group discussions without dominating the time, and I will endeavor to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. If my brother is hurting, I will seek to treat him with compassion, encouragement, and prayer.
I believe we need safe environments where we can be honest, vulnerable, and transparent. Therefore, I will hold all personal matters shared in the group in confidence. I am committed to building a community where trust is a core value.
I believe no man is immune from weaknesses or struggles with sin. Our need for one another includes the need to share our struggles with trusted confidants who can offer prayer and encouragement. Knowing ‘forced accountability’ rarely works, I will voluntarily seek accountability partners in my life, both in the covenant group and beyond, as the Spirit leads.
Living out these commitments will create the security and trust men need to feel loved, foster openness, encourage transparency, and foster deep growth.