Calling Men to Walk with God & One Another

Ministry to men is not a walk in the park. We must go deeper than news, weather, and sports. It requires intentionally sharing our lives with other men & developing spiritual habits that protect, support, and shape our lives.

What ministry leaders are saying…

“The Covenant Group Discipleship Series is a proven approach for equipping men to walk with God and then equip others to do the same. Apprenticeship to Jesus is not a program but a deeply personal and passionate pursuit of knowing, reflecting, and sharing Christ. The concepts and skills men learn in this Series will prepare them for a lifetime of fruitful apprenticeship to Christ and equip them to help others. Investing in this Series will require a serious commitment, but it will be an adventure worth the effort.”

Ron Bennett

Author, Senior Navigators Staff, The Adventure of Discipleship & HighQuest Discipleship Series

“Henry David Thoreau once said, ‘the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.’ Sadly, this can apply to believers as much as to those who don’t know Christ. The Covenant Group Discipleship Series serves as a blueprint for men, providing a pathway to develop the heart, vision, and skills necessary for authentic spiritual transformation. Each journal includes two critical components often overlooked by men: cultivating consistency in engaging with the Word and fostering deeper relationships with other men beyond the surface-level conversations of news, weather, and sports in a supportive environment. With this personal and practical framework, many men transition from ‘I can do this’ to ‘I can do this with other men.'”

Larry Glabe

Senior Navigators Staff, Spiritual Coach to Men

“It’s amazing to see what happens when a group of men expose their lives to God’s Word together. What a blessing to watch God change the lives of our brothers in Christ and to discover He is changing our life as well. The Covenant Group Discipleship Series puts the eternal Word of God into the hands of everyday men who have been rescued by Jesus. The principles taught here will equip men for lifelong impact where we live, work and play.”

Bob Walz

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Area Director, Southeast Nebraska

What participants say…

I was a little standoffish at first…

I’ve made a commitment to read God’s word daily.

It’s easy to be an inch deep and mile wide…

The Covenant Group Discipleship Series

adventure series year 1 sequence, challenge series year 2 sequence, bonus journals


Engaging with Multiple Generations

My covenant group involvement has been intergenerational. The older men to give a perspective from life lessons and years of study. The younger men gave us a fresh perspective of the gospel.  The collaboration has created a bond in Christ through Jesus and an appreciation for these young men.
—Rob S

Encourages Healthy Communication

My dad and I have been involved in a covenant group for the past 2 years. It’s been great because it’s giving us an opportunity to talk about God’s Word every day and discuss questions and insights we had during our devotional reading. Our covenant group encourages healthy communication throughout the day and has made us closer. 

—Jacob D

Helped My Faith

For me, being in a covenant group has helped me further develop and define my relationship with God. The daily Bible readings have been a great “easy to follow” guide that has helped me further my knowledge and understanding in my faith.
—Josh T

Beneficial Scripture Reading

My son and I have been in a covenant group for a couple years now. It’s been wonderful to have this experience, and I look forward to our weekly meetings. It has been very beneficial to my own scripture reading and walk with God.
—Jack D

Guidance through Chaos

Hearing and reading the Bible has given me a new path to guide me through my chaotic life as a college student.  Sharing my insights and listening to others has been a huge blessing.


Sense of Community and Consistency

Being in a covenant Group has given me a sense of community with likeminded men, kept me consistent in my walk with the Lord, and has taught me skills that help me grow closer to God’s Word.
—Mason R